Operation Market Garden: Historic military vehicle parade

Operation Market Garden was one of the biggest allied operations in the 2nd World War. It took place in 1944. In remembrance of this 75th anniversary a part of the route this Saturday will be driven again by over 400 historic military vehicles. The route will go directly through the center of Eindhoven Eindhoven (see […]


Open Monumentendagen (Heritage Days)

During the Open Monumentendagen (Heritage Days, abbreviated in Dutch to OMD) you can visit one of the approximately 4.000 historical buildings and sites that open their doors to the public in the Netherlands. In Eindhoven you can for instance visit the the Dr. A.F. Philips observatory, complex Mariënhage, the Parktheater and the Van Abbe Museum. […]


Veteran Story Day 2019

International School Eindhoven Oirschotsedijk 14B, Eindhoven

The International School Eindhoven is hosting a Veterans Story Day In September 2019 we commemorate the liberation of Eindhoven during the Second World War, 75 years ago. Many soldiers risked their lives for the freedom of others, not only then, but also today. During the very first edition of Veterans Story Day 2019, the International […]

Last weekend Lichtjesroute

Last weekend of the Lichtjesroute Eindhoven! So go out and see it while you still can! The Lichtjesroute is 22 kilometers long, with electric ornaments illuminated path through the city of Eindhoven.


Spooky Halloween with theater, dance and music

De Straatkamer Godfriedstraat 1, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Parktheater Eindhoven, CKE and the inhabitants of the Oude Spoorbaan organize on Thursday, October 31 an exciting Halloween experience walk full of theater, music and dance. The walk takes place in the Oude Spoorbaan district in Eindhoven. The old, monumental railway house on the Hoogstraat - where trains used to leave for the Belgian mines - […]

Brabantsedag (the 63rd edition)

Heeze Centre, Heeze, North Brabant

About the Brabantsedag, the biggest theatre parade of the year After two years of absence due to Corona, the biggest theatre parade of the year is back. On Sunday 28 August - the last day of the school holidays - 16 huge theatre sets and 2,000 actors will parade through the center of Heeze, the […]


ARTHOVEN, A network hub created by Albert van Abbehuis and International Creative Women

Albert Van Abbehuise Bilderdijklaan 19, 5611 NG Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands

A creative network is vital for artists. It's an opportunity to learn about the art world, get connected, learn and improve. Albert Van Abbe Huis and International Creative Women got together to create ARTHOVEN, a monthly meeting for artists, designers, and creatives in Eindhoven. When: Every 2nd Tuesday of the month. Starting on September 13th. […]

free entrance

Open Monument Day in Eindhoven

Various locations

During Open Monumentendag (Heritage Day), thousands of monuments in the Netherlands are opened to the general public in order to increase public interest in monuments and support for their preservation. Entrance is mostly free. Also special activities are organised. In Eindhoven there are several interestig places to visit. The theme of the annual Open Monument […]



Walk through Strijp-S

Blok 63-S Philitelaan, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Every 3rd Sunday of the month you can join a guided tour through the creative district of Strijp-S. The walk takes about an hour and a half and starts and finishes at restaurant Blok 63-S. You can book a spot on our tour until one day in advance. The walk can be provided bilingually in […]


Walk through Strijp-S

Blok 63-S Philitelaan, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Every 3rd Sunday of the month you can join a guided tour through the creative district of Strijp-S. The walk takes about an hour and a half and starts and finishes at restaurant Blok 63-S. You can book a spot on our tour until one day in advance. The walk can be provided bilingually in […]