17.1 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Eindhoven Airport will ban private flights from 2026

No alternative landing site yet for private flights

Eindhoven Airport will ban private flights from 2026, but there is no alternative landing site yet. The province announced this in a response to...
Bygg Stadhuisplein architecture design

Bygg wins tender for Stadhuisplein renovation

The municipality of Eindhoven has awarded the development of Stadhuisplein to architectural firm Bygg Architecture & Design. The agency won partly thanks to the plan...
Redevelopment of Brabantiapark

Redevelopment Brabantiapark in Aalst-Waalre in final phase

On Thursday, the municipality of Waalre, together with the housing corporations Wooninc. and Stayinc. gave the go-ahead for the third and final phase of...

Bus timetable will not be in order until 2025

The province of North Brabant expects that it will take more than a year before the Hermes timetable in the region is back in...

Van Abbe foundation wants car-free Wilhelminaplein

Wilhelminaplein must clearly distinguish itself from Clausplein and the yet-to-be-constructed Victoria Park. The square must fulfil a social and cultural function in the city.  No...
Eindhoven buildings from above

Politicians steadfast on affordable housing

Eindhoven politicians refuse to change the agreement to build more affordable homes on and around Stadhuisplein. Project developers call the municipality's requirements unattainable. Yet...
cycle path

Eindhoven to connect campuses

The Municipality of Eindhoven is investing 2.6 million euros in the construction of a cycle path between the High Tech Campus and De Run...
Redevelopment plans for Eindhoven downtown

Development plans for downtown Eindhoven

A vibrant and green square, with pavement cafés and events. In short,  that is the direction of the plans for the redevelopment of Wilhelminaplein...
GroenLinks/PvdA wants less flights Eindhoven Airport

GroenLinks/PvdA wants fewer flights from Eindhoven

Eindhoven Airport must shrink, at least if it is up to the national GroenLinks/PvdA (green left party/labour party). The parties announced this in their...

Petition signed in Meerhoven for community centre or library

Residents initiative Samen voor Meerhoven has launched a petition to garner support for a community centre or library in Meerhoven.  Eindhoven’s most international neighbourhood is Meerhoven...