20 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Combinatie Jeugdzorg, GGzE, Xtra Jeugdhulp

Combinatie Jeugdzorg and GGZ must take over clients of Xtra Jeugdhulp

 Combinatie Jeugdzorg' (combination youth care) and GGZ Apanta from Veldhoven have to take over the clients of 'Xtra Jeugdhulp' (extra youth help), the curator...
Huge increase in heath care costs in Eindhoven budget

Substantial rise in healthcare costs in Eindhoven budget

The municipality of Eindhoven has presented the budget for 2024. The city government sees a substantial increase in spending on care and welfare. There...
Organisations struggling with corona certificates

Organizations struggle with vaccination certificate

Many organizations are struggling as to whether they should ask their members for a vaccination certificate. People are now meeting again after the vacations....

Ventilation’s crucial to curb corona

To combat the spread of the coronavirus, proper ventilation in public areas is crucial. Researchers at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) state this in...
arnol kox - eindhoven

Street preacher Arnol Kox is ready to die: ‘I have seen enough on this...

Arnol Kox, Eindhoven’s well-known street preacher, says he is ready to die. He is currently receiving care in Catharina Hospital. Kox received 80 cards from...
Rescuing fish

Municipality: rescuing fish yourself well-meant, but not wise

Rescuing fish from dried-up puddles: it is well-intentioned, but neither sensible nor permitted. This is what the Municipality of Eindhoven says in response to...

162 Corona patients currently admitted in the City’s hospitals

Currently, 162 Corona virus patients are admitted in hospitals around the City. Catharina Hospital has 96 admissions and Maxima Medical Centre has 66. A total...

Partij voor de Dieren: ‘Limit fast food chains’

Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals) demands a ban on new fastfood chains. Councillor Jonas Rothaans argues for a maximum in the Eindhoven...

Local psychiatric centre must get more money, says Judge

The Woenselse Poort receives too little money to provide proper care to psychiatric patients. That is what a judge in The Hague decided, the...

Thousands of kids not back at school for fear of COVID-19

At 90% of Dutch primary schools, some children have stayed at home since the reopening. This is according to a survey conducted by the...

What changes in 2024?

Happy New Year to all our readers. Thank you for your support. The New Year comes with changes in rules and regulations in many...