New round of layoffs at Philips
A new round of dismissals from Philips is also being felt in Best, says the CNV union. Today it was announced that 400 jobs...
Europe all ears to Eindhoven story
Eindhoven knows how to find its way to European money pots. Tens of millions come from Brussels to the Brainport Region every year. “We...
Former ASML executive Wennink expresses concerns
Former ASML CEO Peter Wennink expresses his concerns about the current state of Dutch society. He did this during an appearance on a talk...
Huge lay-offs at Signify
The Eindhoven lighting company Signify will cut a thousand jobs, almost half of which will be in the Netherlands. CEO Eric Rondolat announced in...
Millions for test factory for new chips ‘to create second ASML’
A pilot plant for photonic chips is coming to High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. With a huge investment of millions, the European Union wants...
Concerns over ASML’s expansion
ASML's rapid growth affects many people in Veldhoven. To expand further, the chip machine manufacturer has already bought houses and sports and event halls. GroenLinks/PvdA is...
Residents concerned about bus lane to ASML
Dozens of residents in Gestel are worried about the arrival of the HOV4 line, a fast bus lane from Eindhoven station to ASML. They...
Eindhoven wants to buy Fellenoord
In the scale jump that Eindhoven is facing, the development of Fellenoord is perhaps the most important. The Municipality of Eindhoven expects the necessary...
Dip in demand for chip machines gives region food for thought
ASML is expected to enter relatively calm waters in 2025 as demand for the company's chip machines is lower than previously expected. This dip could be...
‘Fewer expats in region: some relief on housing market’
In the Eindhoven region, there seems to be some relief on the housing market, because fewer knowledge migrants have been coming to Zuidoost (south...