Yoga with goats: ‘It’s fun, but not very relaxing’

Pic credit: Studio040

Yoga in the open air, with special company. At the Eigen Wijs farm in Eindhoven the relaxation exercises during the yoga session are held with goats. This does not always turn out to be so relaxed.


“Goats are very social and curious,” says yoga instructor Joke Pluijm. The animals are not forced into anything. However, they are lured with food. That makes it an extra big challenge for the participants. “It’s not really yoga either, more just goats with goats,” jokes Pluijm.


“It does get tricky when you have to stay balanced and then you get kibble in your hand,” says one person participating in the session. “The goats then all jump up against you.” She found it very fun, but less relaxing than a normal yoga session. “The goats’ hooves were not really a massage like I might have expected. They felt more like sharp knives.”

For another student, this is the ideal combination. “I’ve done this before. I love yoga and I love goats,” she says. The first time she did yoga was at the farm with the goats. Then she started picking up yoga more often, as the farm hosts weekly classes without the goats. “But after such a class, I always go out to visit the goats,” she says.


Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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