Cuts to arts and culture worries D66 Eindhoven

Cuts in arts and culture worries D66
Photo Credit: Studio040 | Alain Heeren

The cultural sector in Eindhoven is going to be hit hard by the cuts announced by the new cabinet. D66 party in the city is warning about it. The coalition party is concerned.

D66 council member Annelies Becker expresses these concerns in questions to the city council. “Eindhoven has a vibrant and lively cultural sector of which we are very proud. However, the arts and culture sector in Eindhoven will not escape the negative impact of this cabinet’s austerity plans,” she states.

Low incomes

The cabinet wants to increase VAT on art and culture, resulting in tickets possibly becoming more expensive. Becker calls on the Eindhoven city council to examine the impact of these cuts and to look for ways to keep art and culture accessible to lower incomes.


It is still unclear exactly which institutions will be affected. D66 is asking the mayor and aldermen for an overview of the financial consequences per institution. The coalition party also wants to know whether the municipality has talked with cultural institutions about the VAT increase. It wants information on how the municipality will deal with possible drops in visitor numbers due to rising ticket prices.

Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven news: Chaitali Sengupta


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