New manager for improvement of refugee shelter

ukrainians can stay for now
Photo credit: Studio040

A group of volunteers wrote a letter to the municipality about the situation at a reception location for Ukrainian refugees. The quality of care in the Gezellenhuis left much to be desired, wrote the volunteers.


The municipality of Eindhoven reacted with shock to the letter and promised improvement. Neos, which runs the shelter, has replaced the location manager and has pushed for better guidance for staff.

Neos has indicated a staff shortage in the relevant field, with difficulties finding relevant staff. Now that the shelter on Edisonlaan is taking a more structural form, Neos wants to deploy more permanent staff.


New residents were not provided with sufficient assistance with matters such as living allowances, meals and toiletries. In some cases, new residents even had to make do without a bed.

A fire alarm that went off day and night was also handled without urgency, which led to despair among the residents. In addition, the staff at the shelter would communicate with the refugees ‘as if they were criminals’, expressed the volunteers in the letter to the municipality.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

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