Guided tour through food forest in Geldrop castle

The Food Forest Castle is organising an introductory evening with a tour on June 5. Visitors receive a tour of the food forest, followed by a presentation in the nature information centre De Paardestal

The Food Forest Castle, a collaboration between IVN and Kasteel Geldrop Estate, aims to promote biodiversity and provide nature education to students. Visitors can taste something during the walk, but bringing food is not allowed.

After three and a half years, the food forest is starting to take shape, according to the organisation. The trees and shrubs are in place, and the paths and beds have been laid out. The tour offers an opportunity to explore the project.

The tour is provided by Plonie de Baar, Bertie van den Boogaard and Carin Zweerink, three volunteers passionate about nature and sustainability.


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