From today Tien Tenen (ten toes) children’s shoes and de Toverspiegel (magical mirror) children’s clothing will start selling baby shoes made by clients of healthcare institution Archipelago. It is the first time that clients make products that are really going to be sold.
According to product developer Lisette van Druenen it is important for clients of Archipel to be an active part of society. They can achieve that by being part of a production process.
The shoes are made of leather. Clients may decide what they want to do. "Some clients look for suitable leather, while others draw a template on the leather. The third group then cuts it in the right shape," said Trix, one of the volunteers that helps make the baby shoes.
The shoes cost 25 euros a pair. The proceeds go to Archipel and are used for the purchase of new equipment or materials.
Source: Studio040
Translation: Maryanne Staal