150 asylum seekers accommodated in Mierlo sports hall

Asylum seekers Mierlo
Photo credit: Studio040/ Raymond Bruijns

In sports hall De Weijer in Mierlo 150 asylum seekers will be accommodated starting next Wednesday. This has been announced by the Municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo.

The emergency accommodation is valid for three weeks. After 26 October, the refugees will be housed elsewhere. The 150 asylum seekers come from Ter Apel. The application centre there can no longer handle the influx of refugees. According to Mayor Jos van Bree, the sports hall is the only suitable reception location within Geldrop-Mierlo.

For months now, 225 asylum seekers from Ter Apel have been moving within the Eindhoven region, from sports hall to sports hall. The group was already given temporary shelter in Waalre, Heeze, Best and Deurne, among other places. Suitable long-term housing is still lacking. The regional municipalities are looking for it, but without results yet.

Starting in October, more groups of refugees will come from Ter Apel to the region. The security region eventually has the task of accommodating 450 asylum seekers. The safety region is still looking for suitable reception locations.

According to the municipality, local residents have been informed. The municipality is still looking for locations where athletes and other users of the sports hall can go during the coming period.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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