The next billion dollar industry is 3D print publishing

Experts believe the next billion dollar business is 3D content for 3D publishing and the future of 3D printing systems will be discussed at the first London 3D Publishing Conference at IDEALondon in London’s Tech City on 20 November.

There can be no 3D publishing without 3D content. The London 3D Publishing Conference will focus on new opportunities for traditional publishers, content rich organisations, brands, entrepreneurs and others in the field of 3D print publishing. There is no doubt that for 3D printing to prosper, there must be items to print, marketplaces where those items can be found and secure distribution channels. Processes such as legal issues and new developments in what promises to become a huge business opportunity will also be addressed.

Event organizer Ivan Pope of Thingmakers said "3D printing is growing to a massive industry, but this industry will need content, systems and distribution to make it function. The 3D printing conference will examine the content industry and hear from some of the major players. This is one of the most exciting developments in the last twenty years."
The conference will hear how 3D model creators, designers and authors will generate income and careers in the digital marketplaces and how printing specialists will partner with content owners with in order to fill their production facilities.

The 3D Publishing Conference is part of a successful series of focused 3D printing conferences in Europe, initiated and organized by Jakajima, Matchmaker for Innovators in the high tech industry. Jakajima is based in Neunen.


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