A majority in the Dutch parliament do not want extra night flights at Eindhoven Airport, according to Omroep Brabant. A meeting will take place today in The Hague on this topic.
The Minister for Infrastructure, Wilma Mansveld, made the decision to expand the number of night flights between 23:00 and 24:00, to eight, but has now been rebuffed by the D66, CDA, PvdA, SP and SGP parties.
These parties believe that the minister was too quick to decide without first researching whether local residents would encounter problems with the extra flights. An investigation to answer those questions will take place next year.
Local residents were also present at the meeting and handed to parliament members a petition against the night flights.
Mansveld also wanted to allow extra weekend flights commencing at seven in the morning, but parliament members also found this to be a bad idea. Flights should only be allowed from eight in the morning on weekends.
Source: Studio040