European universities launch ‘Technologist’

As of today, European readers will find a new popular scientific magazine in bookshops and on newsstands. ‘Technologist’ offers news and views together with background information about science and technology from a European perspective for a broad target audience.

Technologist is a unique initiative by four European universities universities – including TU/e – united in the EuroTech Universities Alliance.

Technologist provides the reader with an inside look at the European world of science and technology. It covers the latest innovations that contribute to solving societal challenges in areas like sustainable energy, food, health, communication and mobility. Technologist will appear four times a year in English, French and German, with a print run of more than 45,000 copies. It will be distributed through universities, bookshops and newsstands around Europe.

Technologist’s contributions are from leading, independent science journalists who also write for top magazines like New Scientist, Nature and Spiegel.

The first edition had a festive launch today at the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) in Copenhagen. Cover story of the first Technologist is the ‘Augmented human’: how people and technology are merging, and how prostheses can be controlled by the power of thought.

The first edition is also available free of charge in digital form on the magazine’s website: The website will also promote lively forum discussions.


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