Programs to prevent depression among young people

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Various municipalities in the Southeast Brabant region will jointly launch a program in the new school year to prevent depression and suicide among youth.

In the program, young people will receive information about mental health, and teachers will learn to recognise unwellness. The GGD can then be called in and if necessary, young people can receive special training to prevent depression.


The municipalities will work with the GGD and the GGzE on the prevention programme. The program is being introduced because depression often starts in childhood. And once someone is depressed, there is a good chance that depression will return.

“By starting the Storm approach, we show how seriously we take the mental health of our young people. Together with schools, the GGD, GGzE and municipalities, we make a difference,” says Best’s responsible councillor Véronique Zeeman.


“We focus on prevention, not just cure. Doing so helps young people become stronger and more confident. Together, we take a step towards a future where every young person in our region receives the support needed to thrive,” said Zeeman.

In the new school year, the prevention program will be started in Bergeijk, Best, Bladel, Eersel, Eindhoven, Heeze-Leende, Nuenen, Oirschot, Reusel de Mierden, Son en Breugel, Valkenswaard, Veldhoven and Waalre.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

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