Ribbon for war storyteller Wan van Overveld from Son

85-year-old Wan van Overveld from Son en Breugel has received a royal distinction for his years of dedication to collecting and sharing information about Operation Market Garden. Mayor Suzanne Otters-Bruijnen surprised him with the ribbon on Monday.

Van Overveld has been appointed Member of the Order of Orange-Nassau. For years, he has played an active role in keeping the stories surrounding the liberation of Son en Breugel alive. He has opened a private museum on his farm, the Paulushoef, where he guides thousands of visitors and passionately tells stories about the Second World War. His special memories of Operation Market Garden, which he witnessed as a 5-year-old, make him a special storyteller of local history.

Parachute jumps

His contribution goes beyond his museum. Every year he makes his grounds available for parachute jumps around the commemoration in September and he receives groups of school children to pass on the stories of the war. According to the municipality, the award is a recognition of his years of dedication in keeping history alive.

Source: www.studio040.nl
Translated by Yawar Abbas

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