Irene Neele-Janssen to quit Geldrop municipal council

Irene Neele-Janssen announces departure from Geldrop municipal council
Photo credit: CDA Geldrop-Mierlo/Studio040

After a career of 22 years in municipal politics in Geldrop-Mierlo, CDA (Christian democrats) council member Irene Neele-Janssen has announced her departure. She was involved in numerous projects, both in the social and spatial domain. For example, she has strongly advocated for the support of volunteers and informal caregivers, safe living, housing construction and education.

In the municipal elections in March 2022, the resident of Mierlo received a large number of preferential votes. “Every day in the council was an opportunity to contribute to our beautiful municipality”, Neele says. “I am grateful for the years in which I was able to fulfil this role and for the many people with whom I was able to work. It is now time for a new phase, both for me personally and for municipal politics”.

New generation

According to Neele, politics is for everyone. “It does not matter whether you are young or a bit older, whether you have experience or not. What counts is your enthusiasm and your willingness to commit yourself to the community”. Neele will resign from her duties as a council member in January. “I am making room for a new generation in politics”.

SourceL Studio040

Translated by: Bob



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