Eindhoven commemorates and celebrates liberation day

Photo credit: Studio040

On the Stadhuisplein and in the districts of Eindhoven, residents and veterans commemorated 80 years of freedom on Wednesday evening. This happened on September 18, the day the city was liberated by the allied soldiers in 1944.

This year the gathering was bigger. As in previous years there was a parade with old army vehicles, wreaths were laid and the liberation fire was lit.

Music and stories

In addition, this year there was an extensive program with the theme of freedom, with lots of music, dance and stories. On a large stage on the Stadhuisplein, the Philips Harmonie, the Eindhoven musician Denvis, guitarist Mozes Rozenberg and the Ukrainian Nadiia Supranovich performed, among others. There were also readings by city poet Monique Henriks and historian Tijmen Dokter. The meeting was attended by hundreds of residents, scouts and veterans.


Furthermore, there was a live connection with various neighbourhoods in the city districts of Eindhoven on Wednesday evening. For the first time, the liberation was also extensively commemorated in the neighbourhoods.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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