500 cyclists in action for ALS research

Photo credit: pixabay

Once again, 500 cyclists are expected at the bike ride ‘IF the lights go out’. They will hold another evening ride in Eindhoven next month and raise money for research into the muscle disease ALS. Saturday 19 October is the seventh edition.

Driek Verdonk is a cycling enthusiast and was introduced to the Ledro4Life foundation in 2016. They collect as much money as possible for research into ALS. During his tour in Italy, Verdonk wondered why this was not done in Eindhoven. That year, he was busy arranging a similar campaign in the neighbourhood, and in the autumn of 2016, the first edition of ALS het licht uit gaat (Also the light goes out) was released.

Before Verdonk made the bike ride in Italy, he didn’t know much about ALS. But this event brings him into closer contact with ALS patients. By chance, the organisation came across writer Jan Zuring from Nuenen. He wrote the book of the same name, which is about ALS. Zuring himself also has the disease, and he became enthusiastic about the event. Zuring played a major role during the event every year, but he passed away in 2022. This event has stirred up a lot in Verdonk. “Because of this, I have noticed that I am much more grateful for my health.”


Saturday evening 19 October the participants start at sports park de Bokt. Along the way they pass the IJzeren Man, the Dommeldal and a green environment. During the ride cyclists can get off for a drink. There is live music along the way and at the finish.

Late cancellation

Last year the bike ride was unexpectedly cancelled. Despite the late cancellation, 13,000 euros were still raised. Most people who had registered wanted to sponsor the money anyway.

Participants can register until October 18th.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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