PvdD: Fewer short flights for Eindhoven administrators and civil servants

PvdD: 'Fewer short flights for Eindhoven administrators and civil servants'
Photo credit: Eindhoven Airport/Studio040

There should be clear rules for Eindhoven civil servants, Alderpersons and the Mayor when it comes to air travel. This is the opinion of Partij voor de Dieren. At present, they often opt to go by plane for short distances abroad. 

Research by trade journal  Binnenlands Bestuur shows that the Municipality of Eindhoven is the frontrunner when it comes to the share of short flights for civil servants and administrators. Partij voor de Dieren believes that this is a bad signal, at a time when CO2 emissions need to be reduced.


The opposition party has asked the Eindhoven city council for clarification and states that a guideline should be introduced. If a foreign destination can also be reached relatively easily by train or bus, preference should be given to this. This should significantly reduce the share of short flights, the animal party states.

Coalition agreement

One of the spearheads of the Eindhoven coalition of PvdA (labour party), D66 (democrats), GroenLinks (green left party) and CDA (christian democrats) is to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Eindhoven Airport should also contribute to this: the maximum number of flights is set at 41,500 per year and the airport must invest in cleaner aircraft.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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