Jacob Oppenheimerpark becomes community campsite

Jacob Oppenheimerpark in Eindhoven becomes temporary 'community camping'
Photo credit: De Buurt/Studio040

Part of Jacob Oppenheimerpark in Eindhoven will be transformed into a community campsite this coming weekend. This is a national initiative that has existed since 2013. Last year, a total of more than seventeen thousand people took part in the so-caled ‘Buurtcamping’ throughout the Netherlands. There are thirty camping spots in Eindhoven.

Just like at a normal campsite, at the Buurtcamping you are often outside and everyone is equal, listening to stories or music together by the campfire and eating together or chatting over a cup of coffee. “By building the campsite together or participating in one of the activities, residents get to know each other better”, campsite manager, Anita van der Pas, says.

Low income campers

She emphasises that a third of the camping spots are reserved for low-income campers. “Especially for families who would otherwise not be able to go on holiday. We have extra tents and camping gear for these people. There are families, couples, but also grandparents with their grandchildren. There is a full program with workshops, circus, children’s disco, campfires and of course bingo”.

With the community campsite in Jacob Oppenheimerpark, the organisation focuses specifically on Drents Dorp, Lievendaal and ‘t Ven districts. Anita: “But of course the residents of ‘t Schoot and Philipsdorp are also very welcome. As are the people from all the neighbourhoods that border the park”. About one hundred and twenty participants are expected. The camping starts on Friday at 15:00 and lasts until Sunday at 15:00.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob



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