Eindhoven population up by 10 percent

Over the past five years, the number of residents in Eindhoven has increased by 9.6 percent. The number of residents in the surrounding municipalities has also increased significantly, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

The largest increase is visible in Son en Breugel. There, the population grew by 9.3 percent. In Eersel and Best, a considerable increase of 8.9 and 7.8 percent respectively is evident.

In Nuenen, Waalre and Geldrop-Mierlo, population growth is not too bad at around 5 percent. Surprisingly enough, growth is also not too bad in Veldhoven, where high-tech giant ASML is located. The number of inhabitants in the municipality increased by 5.7 percent.


Population growth is mainly due to immigration, according to Statistics Netherlands. In 2023, approximately twice as many migrants arrived in the Netherlands as children were born: 336,000 to 164,000, respectively.

The population figures only concern people officially registered as residents in the Netherlands. Refugees without a residence permit, and also people who are staying illegally in the Netherlands, are not included in the figures.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj

Source: CBS and Studio 040

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