Traditional canoe making in prehistoric village

PreHistorisch Dorp volunteers go back in time and carve a canoe from a tree trunk
Photo credit: PreHistorisch Dorp/Studio040

Making a canoe from a tree trunk: thousands of years ago it must have been a regular thing for people living in the Netherlands. In 2024, it will obviously be a major challenge for volunteers and staff at the PreHistorisch Dorp (prehistoric village). The goal is to show visitors how this works.

“We always aim to show our visitors the complete process, whether from sheep to clothing or from wood to means of transport. We also want to preserve valuable knowledge about this old craft. We have therefore asked our employees and volunteers to participate, and the response was overwhelmingly positive”, museum manager Yvonne Lammers said.


The canoe is made from a fifty-year-old poplar tree that weighs about 1,000 kilos. A slot is first cut in the tree with handmade axes, after which it is further hollowed out. Ultimately, what remains is a five-metres-long vessel with a flat bottom for stability and a rounded front and back for good steering in the water. The canoe will be launched next Sunday.

For more information: PreHistorisch Dorp

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob



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