Old ladies lost and found

“The women are well, a spokesperson tells Omroep Brabant.  “I spoke to them briefly this morning. We are happy they got home safe.”

The care home where both women live follows a so-called open door policy, she explains. Residents are free to come and go as they please.” Trackers are available for those who wish to go out. These two residents carried a tracker when they went for a walk, but it stopped working”, the spokesperson “Naturally we will investigate how this could happen.”

A walk

The women, aged 81 and 92, had left their care home in Geldrop to go for a walk around six on Friday evening. When they failed to return, the police were called in at a quarter to ten. They took it very seriously.

A citizen alert went out and several units on foot as well as with a variety of vehicles such as bike, motor, police cars and helicopter searched various parts of Geldrop but to no avail. The search even extended to locations in Eindhoven, but the ladies were not found.

Observant woman

It was already half past two at night and the search seemed hopeless when the police received a message from a woman living on De Hulst in Geldrop. She had watched her  doorbell camera footage and noticed the two women walking past her house at half past nine. This prompted a search along the Urkhovenseweg and the paths along the Eindhoven Canal.

One of the teo missing women was subsequently found in a path along the canal. She told the police that her friend had taken a fall and could not get up again.  The woman had wanted to find help but also fell down. A stretch further foen the other woman was found among some shrubs.


The women declared they had list their way. Ambulance staff checked the two, who turned out to be reasonably well and did not need to visit the hospital. The pair were returned to the care home where relatives were waiting to welcome them back.




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