Long prison sentences for ten drugs criminals

Police find drugs lab Image source: Studio040

Ten members of an Eindhoven drugs family were sentenced to as much as twelve years in prison last week. Fourteen suspects in total were convicted, two were acquitted. 

The head of the family, a 54-year-old Eindhoven individual, got twelve years. He was the leader of an organisation engaging in a range of activities, such as building drugs labs, manufacturing synthetic drugs and the dumping of drugs waste.

Drugs labs were found in Eindhoven as well as in Helmond, Someren, Neerkant and Lottum and across the border in Belgium in Oud-Turnhout, Merksplas and Peer.

Right Hand

The eldest son (28) of the 54-year-old man was convicted to eight years. He is considered to be the leader’s right hand man and guilty of the sale of drugs, the purchase of raw materials and scouting for locations to manufacture the drugs. He was also found gulty of the possession of illegal firearms.


A 43-year-old Eindhoven man was convicted of the manufacture of drugs and will  be in prison for the next ten years. A 49-year-old man involved in the drugs labs in Belgium is looking at six years. A 40-year-old Eindhoven man involved in the construction of drugs labs and drugs manufacture iwill be behind lock and key for nine years. The 43-year-old man acting as the driver will spend seven years behind bars.

De 51-year-old brother-in-law of the leader, who managed to drugs lab in Oud-Turnhout will spend four years in prison. A 40-year-old man from Eindhoven is looking at nine years for coordinating the operations. The 31-year-old Eindhoven man doing odd jobs at the Oeffelt location will do two years’ time. Finally, two men from Den Bosch and Breda respectively got four and two years behind bars.

Community service

The owners of the sheds in Venray and Oeffelt have to do 240 hours of community service or face two years in prison. Two Eindhoven men were acquitted.

The suspects were arrested during police raids in Eindhoven, Best and Oeffelt. The raids, on October 17th and 18th, followed two years of preliminary investigation.

Source: Studio040

Translator: Greta


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