Geldrop aiming to prevent realisation of Eeneind-West distribution centre

Photo credit: Studio040

The municipal council of Geldrop-Mierlo has unanimously instructed the board to do everything possible to prevent the implementation of the plans for a large-scale distribution centre at Eeneind-West in the municipality of Nuenen.

That is why the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo is currently preparing a statement of opinion, with which the construction of this distribution centre should be prevented. Alderman Frans Stravers: “With the arrival of these enormous distribution halls on the edge of our municipality, directly across the canal towards Nuenen, we expect a huge increase in traffic in our municipality with all its consequences. In addition, the air quality will deteriorate.”

According to Stravers, everything must be done to stop this. “Now that the draft decision is available for inspection, we can still submit our views until 4 August. I also call on our residents to do this. Certainly the residents who live on the route between Eeneind-West in Nuenen and the entrance to the A67 at Bogardeind. They will clearly experience the consequences of the construction of these centres.”

The draft decision on the realisation of the Eeneind-West Distribution Centre can be found on the website of the municipality of Nuenen.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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