Expensive recording and audio equipment was stolen from a music pavillion on Vestdijk in Eindhoven.
Bart van Dongen, the driving force behind Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek (pavilion unheard music, POM), reported that the stolen items included a MOOG Prodigy synthesizer, a ZOOM Live Track L8, two BSS AR-133 Active DI box and a Behringer 4x DI The total damage is estimated at around €3,000.
Appeal on social media
Van Dongen placed an appeal on Facebook on 19 July in the hope that the items would be recovered. He asked people to inform him if they see the stolen equipment for sale somewhere or come across it in some other way.
Theft with open door
The theft took place while someone was working in the POM space with the door open. Vestdijk is busier than Ruysdaelbaan, where POM was located until May of this year. Although the new location attracts more people, it also has disadvantages such as this theft. However, Van Dongen emphasises that he refuses to lock himself away and continues to have faith in people, despite this incident.
At POM, concerts are organised and musicians and composers can work on new material. The stolen MOOG Prodigy is a special synthesizer, of which there are not many left and which is difficult to replace. Van Dongen hopes that the equipment will be returned soon so that he and others can continue their work without further disruption.
For more information: pomeindhoven.nl
Source: Studio040
Translated by: Bob