Catharina Hospital retains financial buffer for investment

Catharina Hospital can be seen for eight weeks at 'Emergency Aid 24/7'
Photo credit: Studio040

The Catharina Hospital can make a significant financial investment. The Eindhoven hospital had 20 million euros left over the past year. This is evident from its annual report published on Monday.

According to the hospital, the money is needed to maintain the organisation’s financial health. Catharina Hospital also wants to use the budget to invest in new developments and better care. The surplus can also be used to supplement equity, which brings it to more than 185 million euros.


The hospital cannot sit back and relax. According to the management, there are many challenges. “Too few hands at the bedside, the growing group of patients and too high healthcare costs. The question is how we deal with this,” explains director Nardo van der Meer. To meet the challenges, the hospital is increasingly relying on digital solutions. This is done, among other things, with an app launched last year, which helps patients with various conditions and allows them to monitor their health and share it with healthcare staff.


The Catharina Hospital is also positive about 2023 statistics in other areas. For example, patients were satisfied, research shows, and the Eindhoven hospital can hold the title of ‘top clinical hospital’ for five more years. The hospital has also strengthened its collaboration with the Anna Hospital in Geldrop.

Translated by Yawar Abbas

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