Joost Klein’s Europapa sounds through church bells

Joost Klein's Europapa sounds through church bells in the city center: 'Great to do'

The church bells of the Catharina Church in Eindhoven do not ring the usual melodies on Tuesday afternoon, but the Eurovision Song Contest song by Joost Klein. 3FM called on all carillonneurs in the Netherlands to support the disqualified Dutch Eurovision artist. Eindhoven also participated and played ‘Europapa’.

Carillonneur Rosemarie Seuntiëns sits high in the church tower with her sheet music in front of her. After some practice, she plays Klein’s song on the carillon so that part of the center hears it. Several cities participated in the action, but this was the only one in Brabant. “It was great to do,” said Seuntiëns, who normally plays a completely different genre of music on her bells. Still, she was very satisfied with the result. “It sounded nice, the chopping effect in Joost’s song worked well on the bells.”


From her tower, she has a view over the city center. Bystanders react cheerfully when they hear ‘Europapa’. This also includes a man on a bench in front of the church. “I was very surprised; I thought, ‘Is that Joost Klein’s song that I hear?'” A passing woman is also positive about the song. “I think it’s a very nice song; it stays in my head. That will probably be the case in the coming months,” she says, laughing.


Klein was disqualified from the final of the Eurovision Song Contest in Sweden last Saturday due to a ‘threatening incident’. The investigation into this incident is still ongoing, but bystanders of the church do not agree with the decision of the EBU organisation. “Ridiculous,” says a woman sitting in the sun. “I don’t know exactly what happened, but if it had been really bad, they should have put him in jail. I don’t think it’s possible.” The man on the bench would have handled it differently than the organisation has done now. “I let him participate to avoid disappointment and only made a judgment afterwards, after the investigation.”

Source: Studio040

Translate: Ayşenur Kuran 

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