Eindhoven stops ban on meat and air travel advertising

Eindhoven stops the ban on meat and air travel advertising
Photo Credit: Studio040

The Eindhoven City Council definitively put a stop to a ban on advertising for meat and air travel, among other things. There are too many question marks over the feasibility of the ban.

Earlier, the city council had already expressly questioned the initiative proposal by the Party for the Animals and GroenLinks, among others. It could lead to expensive and time-consuming legal disputes. Besides, the proposal lacked clarity.  What exactly does fossil advertising mean: does it include, for example, the clothing industry, which causes a great deal of environmental pollution worldwide?


D66 submitted two more amendments to adjust the proposal for fossil-free advertising. Namely, to first discuss what such advertising means. D66 also proposed to first talk with operators about possible buy-out arrangements. The introduction of the ban can come after it is proved that it will not cause legal problems in cities that are already committed to a fossil-free advertising ban, namely Tilburg and Zwolle.


The two amendments, like the initiative proposal, were voted down. PvdD, PvdA, GroenLinks, and Volt voted in favor of the initiative. However, a motion by D66 was adopted on the same subject. The municipality of Eindhoven must investigate whether it is legally possible to introduce a ban on fossil advertising.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Chaitali Sengupta

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