Party for the Animals focuses on ‘fossil-free advertising’

Partij voor de Dieren zet in op ‘fossielvrije reclame’

The party for the Animals, PvdD, believes that advertisements for air travel, meat or milk should cease in public spaces in Eindhoven. The municipal faction believes that it should be prohibited to advertise things that have a major negative impact on the climate.

The PvdD states that advertising for fossil products and services contributes to unsustainable behaviour, which is also evident from a scientific report written at the request of the government.

To combat climate change, stopping fossil advertising may be an important instrument, the faction says. That is why the PvdD wants the municipality to conduct a legal investigation into the feasibility of an advertising ban within 9 months, and the advertising ban must be introduced within a year, if this appears possible from the investigation.


According to the initiative proposal, the council does not have to worry about contracts with operators being broken. After all, operators know that regulations can change. This would also appear from the research that the municipality of The Hague had carried out on a fossil advertising ban. The agreements between that municipality and advertising operators would simply remain intact in the event of a ban.

Three quarters

The PvdD proposal is co-submitted by Volt, GroenLinks and the PvdA. If the proposal is adopted by the council, this does not mean that there will no longer be any fossil advertising in Eindhoven. Outdoor advertising concerns approximately three quarters of advertising in public spaces, advertising in shopping centres and public transport is not included. In addition, a lot of advertising is also done via radio, television and the internet, something that the initiative proposal has no influence on.

Million-dollar claims

In 2022, the PvdD also announced that fossil advertising in public spaces had to cease. Councillor Rik Thijs said at the time that this could lead to millions in claims from the operators.

Translated by Yawar Abbas

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