Traffic restriction in Waalre not ideal

Limitation height of the road through freight traffic Waalre
Photo credit: Studio040

The Municipality of Waalre wants to do something about the amount of through freight traffic passing through Waalre village. The municipality wanted to reduce the amount of freight traffic by limiting the height of the load, but research has shown that this solution has its drawbacks.

A height restriction was said to be most effective in reducing the amount of through freight traffic, according to research. It was also supposed to have also have beneficial effects on traffic safety in the village. At the same time, of all possible solutions, it is also the most expensive.

Moreover, a height restriction has the most negative effects for supplying the village. Finally, there is said to be little support for it among stakeholders. A metering light could also garner little support, and would also worsen traffic safety in the village.


A ban indicated by traffic signs seems more likely to succeed. Approaching businesses, requesting that their traffic take a different route also seems a more popular solution.

Which solution is chosen is not yet clear. The Waalre town council will consider the issue in October.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob


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