Airport and the provincial elections

EIndhoven Airport
Photo credit: Studio040

The provincial elections will be held on March 15.  The board of the province of North Brabant will thus be elected. The elections influence various topics, such as the Eindhoven airport, for instance.

The general agreement is that a better rail connection needs to be established with the airport and also the neighbouring countries. The SP, GroenLinks, Part voor de Dieren and Volt are outspoken supporters of shrinking the airport. GroenLinks explains that the airport pollutes the air and the climate causing noise nuisance. The party also wants the military airport, Eindhoven Air Base, to cause less noise nuisance. The PvdD wants the number of flights to and from the airport to be reduced.

Volt remarks that all destinations that can be reached by train should have limited connections by air. The PvdA also wants to focus on that course. Train connections to Germany and Belgium must ensure that flights of distances less than 500 kilometres can be covered more easily by train.

VVD, CDA, D66, BBB and Lokaal Brabant are slightly less pronounced on the issue of ‘growth or shrinkage’. The VVD notes that the airport plays a vital role in the province of North Brabant as an international hub. In addition, the faction is pleased with the way in which the airport is developing responsibly.
The CDA is also happy with the current state of affairs and considers the agreements, such as no air traffic between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., as essential.

All parties favour the growth of the airport. However, the focus must remain on reducing emissions and noise pollution. Further, the airport is to become more accessible by public transport for the rest of the province. Lastly, the province must focus on innovation that makes aviation more sustainable.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha


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