The Eindhoven Arts Centre (CKE) and the Parktheater have joined hands with neighbourhood organisations.
Together, they’re bringing art and culture right to the doorstep of residents in various parts of the city. There will be parades with live music and theatre and dance performances. These will be travelling through the streets of Eindhoven from today onwards.
Every evening, under the name Warme Winter Stoet (Warm Winter Parade), a different neighbourhood will be surprised by these performances. The will continue until right before Christmas. The last one will be on Wednesday, 23 December.
Supporting local organisations
The idea was born from all the upcoming public holidays. Because of the anti-corona measures, gatherings with loved ones are out of the question. The CKE and Parktheater, therefore, decided to support the various neighbourhood organisations.
“This year’s holidays are going to be weird. So, there are no big family Christmas gatherings. No o dancing in the new year. No friendly neighbourhood activities. That’s why we want to bring a little warmth and light to the neighbourhoods in a different way,” Wikke Peters and Marjon Reus, of CKE and Parktheater, say.
“In the dark days before Christmas, we’ve organised all kinds of great activities. These are on the initiative of the neighbourhood organisations. All, of course, corona-proof.”
Dual purpose
“These activities have a dual purpose. Not only are we bringing warmth to people’s doorsteps. We’re also allowing dozens of artists to make a meaningful contribution to the city at a time when the culture sector is struggling,” Peters and Reus conclude.
These activities are made financially possible by Woonbedrijf.
Source: Studio040
Translator: Bob
Editor: Melinda Walraven