SALTO, an organisation for public education with 22 primary schools (including a new international school) in Eindhoven organised an inspiration session for their teachers. About 80 teachers attended the event.
“Eindhoven becomes more international, what about the teaching practices?” asks Geert Simons the founding head and chairman of internationalisation project SALTO.
Indeed, the workshop focused on how we can organise our schools to become more international and to accommodate the new needs of a fast-evolving society. The goal is that all children (Dutch and international) have to be prepared to live and work in an international environment. Moreover, our schools should be able to welcome and accommodate (new) international children.
During this SALTO inspiration day, teachers could choose 2 workshops to learn skills that they can use in the daily practice of theirs. Every participant may choose 2 workshops. SALTO-school Louis Buelens was the venue for the workshops.
The teachers were spoilt for choice from the available workshops;
1.VVTO and eTwinning – Froukje Polman-Bronneberg
(VVTO = Vroeg Vreemde Talen Onderwijs à or teaching English as a foreign language from a very young age… usually from group 1 or 4 years old)
eTwinning is a digital exchange program for primary schools. Where children from different countries work together on projects and have contact via digital platforms and movies etc.
2.Cross-Cultural psychology – Elif Durgel, intercultural trainer, Tilburg University. She elaborated on developing and delivering intercultural classroom competence training for teachers and parents in a cultural context.
3.Language class the Startbaan – Jutta Ebben
Explanation about the approach and methodology of working with a Dutch language class that is organised for foreign children who have just moved to the Netherland and enter a Dutch primary school without any knowledge of Dutch. SALTO-school de Startbaan has been working for more than 3 years with a language class for students of all ages and from all over the world. The focus is on learning Dutch both quantitatively and in quality… so that integration in a regular Dutch school becomes possible.
4.Cultural diversity – Carola Eijsenring from Indigo Wereld.
Carola Eijsenring is an expert in the field of cultural diversity. The workshop augments “dealing with the new diversity”. The workshop focused on daily practices such as; making contact if you do not speak each other’s language, how to ‘resolve’ confusion in different cultural ways, and the importance of giving space to children, parents (and yourself) to get used to each other, as the basis for a more in-depth contact . Carola brings along an experienced person who shares her first experiences with Dutch education with the participants.
5. Internationalization and IT – Daisy van Oudheusden-Dorssers (SALTO I coach)
Daisy threw light on some practical ideas and tools to create an international learning environment.
6. IPC – Sylvia Huijsmans (IPC coordinator SALTO-school de Reigerlaan)
From practical experiences on Reigerlaan, Sylvia highlighted the content of the International Primary Curriculum. IPC is a curriculum for primary schools, used worldwide, in which children learn in the most effective and fun way possible.

Simons concludes “Assuring that our children feel comfortable in our international society and that they develop the skills needed for their future is an important task to which we love to commit ourselves to. It is wonderful to see how enthusiastic our SALTO-teachers react to the new developments and how motivated they are to give our students – both international and Dutch – the education they need. This inspiration day was just a small step in the process of becoming more international-minded, indeed it was a fun and successful one!”
Source: SALTO International school iRISE
For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj