Good news for steam train lovers. The 29th of September 2018, two old steam locomotives with train commute all day between Eindhoven and Den Bosch.
ModeltreinCenter, from ‘s-Hertogenbosch, organizes this special event. The Stoomstichting Nederland will provide two locomotives. A return ticket Eindhoven-Den Bosch will cost 25 euros.
Special trains
One of the two special locs is the 01 1075 (shown in the photo) It is one of the largest and fastest steam locs still in use.
The old 65 018 will also be used during this special Saturday. It is an example of a well-known steam train model.
Both locomotives will travel from Rotterdam, where they are usually housed.
The real lovers of a trip with a steam loc can even buy tickets for the journey from Rotterdam to Den Bosch.
Unable to wait? An alternative may be a visit to the Dutch Railway Museum at Utrecht, which has plenty locs on show.
For tickets and more info: website Modeltreincenter
Website Utrecht Railway Museum
Source: Studio 040
Translator: Kate