This evening, a search takes place in Eindhoven to find the most beautiful ‘frikandel’ – a Dutch version of the hotdog sausage. Or rather, it is not so much the frikandel, but the way it is presented on its saucer. Brouwer Beerze and Bar Bistro Calypso is organizing the so-called ‘transcultural fraternity competition’.
It is the second time this competition is taking place. This time, the theme is ‘international’. Apart from the fact that presented frikandellen must have a somewhat international touch, there are also other stipulations. The frikandel must be presented warm to the jury and must have a Latin name. The latter is especially important: if votes are tied, this name will be the decisive factor.
Anyone can take part. Bar Bistro Calypso will provide the frikandellen. Any other ingredients competitors need to create stunning displays, will have to be brought along by the participants themselves. The winner will be determined by a jury: food designer, Ralph Geerts; artist, Wim Langenhoff and ‘culinariologist’, Yvesse Winkeler. The price for the Faust der Frikandellen is the Frikandellen Award 2017 scale.
A special beer, the “Twee Bier”, was brewed by Beerze, especially for the occasion, and for Dutch Design Week. The contest starts tonight, Monday, 23 October, at 21.00 at Bar Bistro Calypso. Participation is free.
Source: studio040
Translator: Kate