The regular ABN AMRO seminars on buying a house in The Netherlands held throughout the country are now posted on line in their calendar.
Before they were on line only three weeks ahead and ABN AMRO received questions about when the next one was planned. That is why they have posted them on line much more in advance now. Though registration and the exact program will be made known at least three weeks ahead of the event.
ABN AMRO International Clients Retail organizes free ‘buying a house’ seminars in various cities throughout the year. The one in Eindhoven is on 17 September 2016. During these seminars, they will give you the information you need to understand how this process works from A-Z.
At the seminars questions like: Where do I start looking for a house? Can I afford to buy a house? Do I need to use my own savings? How does the legal and tax process work? are answered.
Many internationals like to buy a house in the Netherlands, even if they are intending to stay just for five years. It is more common in other cultures to immediately buy a house instead of renting. Like people from India for example, they want to pay off their mortgage quickly to make it possible to bequeath the investment of the house to their children. In the decision buying or renting, the build-up of capital is important, says Jessica Driessen Advisor International Clients from ABN AMRO.
The starting prices internationals are looking for range from €200,000 to €250,000 but can go up depending on their age and life stage.
In Eindhoven region the Meerhoven area is quite popular. It is close to the High Tech Campus, not too far from the city centre and close to the highway, internationals say.