Philips makes life easier for ALS patients

(Royal) Philips working closely with Accenture, has been developing a software that reads human brainwaves for ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) patients to perform simple tasks, Philips announced earlier this morning.

The software works through a headset, and is controlled by the user’s thoughts, improving the quality of life of ALS patients. The technology works with a wifi-signal between a tablet and communicates with a headset device and home equipment or appliances. Preconfigured messages are programmed on the system commanding tasks as provoked by the patient. This system is intended for patients who are completely paralysed

ALS is a neuromuscular disease. Its life expectancy is usually between three to five years. In the meantime, the decline may be rapid.

Philips reports it may take time for the launch. More updates are due in September.

Source: Studio040

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