The ‘Heuvel Gallerie’ in the city centre will get a radical facelift and this renovation will take three years. The Eindhovens Dagblad (Eindhoven Daily) reported that the entrepreneurs of the shopping mall were informed about the plans last night.
During this meeting no mention was made of the costs. The owner of the ‘Heuvel Galerie’, real estate company CBRE, does not want to comment on this. The entrepreneurs have been complaining for years that too little has been invested to maintain the attractiveness of the ‘Heuvel Galerie’. Thus, especially in recent years, many stores went bankrupt and there was a lack of occupancy.
In the new plans the entrances will be adapted in accordance with the new corporate identity. Furthermore, the intention is to divide several international store chains more equally over all the floors of the ‘Heuvel Galerie’. As a result, shoppers will be spread out more evenly.
The work will start next month and is supposed to be finished in three years’ time.