With their new show “Lifesexy”, named after their album released in October, the Jazz band Gare du Nord demonstrates their versatility: Songs like “Pablo’s Blues” with the Blues legend Robert Johnson and “You’re My Medicine” with Soul legend Marvin Gaye are after years back in the repertoire! The songs that were written for the cineaste Quentin Tarantino provide moments with a cinematic atmosphere. But “Lifesexy” pays most of all homage to the beauty that life has to offer. Life is what you make of it and in the world of Gare du Nord this means: Life is sexy…
Date: Friday, 12 April 2013
Time: 20.15 hrs
Tickets: €22.00 (normal price)
Location: Muziekgebouw Frits Philips, Heuvel Galerie 140, Eindhoven
More info: http://www.muziekgebouweindhoven.nl/detail/1180/gare-du-nord