Event: starting your own business, info evening

THE HAGUE – The Hague’s Chamber of Commerce is organizing the English-language seminar ‘Starting your own Business’.
Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel), The Hague – 20 November, 13:30 hrs – 17:30 hrs

What requirements do I have to satisfy in order to start a business in the Netherlands? What legal forms are there? What taxes do I have to pay? Do I need a permit? How do I set up a branch office for my business? The Chamber of Commerce in The Hague (Kamer van Koophandel) focuses on the most important aspects related to successfully setting up a business in the Netherlands. For more information: http://www.kvk.nl/bijeenkomsten/starting-your-own-business/.You can download the brochure ‘Starting your own business’ by visiting www.kvk.nl/englishwebsite/starting-a-business/Or take a look at The Hague.com page called ‘Starting your Own Business’ at www.denhaag.nl/en/business/to/Starting-your-own-business.htmWe have also included a few suggestions to help you meet other Freelancers;www.werkspot.nl/www.freelance.nl/?p=aanmelden&type=&extended=1www.linkedin.com/groups/Creative-Freelancers-from-Netherlands-1295187/aboutwww.proz.com/forum/money_matters/109106-freelancing_in_the_netherlands.htmlIf you want to try out your ideas before setting up your business, consider testing your products and services at the Timebank  – www.stroom.nl/activiteiten/manifestatie.php?m_id=9100853

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