CDA (The Christian Democratic Appeal) wants to know what happens now with the tasks of Stichting Leergeld now that the subsidy for the children’s funds – which also include Jeugdfonds Sport and Jeugdfonds Cultuur – has stopped.
At the end of the year 2020, it was announced that the municipality of Eindhoven wanted to carry out the tasks of funding the kids by themselves. The funds which were provided through different institutions were not reaching enough children. Annually, the institutions had about 200,000 euros left over.
The municipality of Eindhoven wanted that money to be spent on the benefit of children in poverty. It is not known exactly how the municipality wanted to achieve this fight against child poverty. It has always remained ambiguous about this.
“We also believe that it is important to reach all children living in poverty and this is not the case at the moment. That is why we are embarking on a joint development trajectory. This can give optimal substance to the objective of helping children in poverty. Incidentally, it is not the intention that the municipality itself will implement this component. The power lies with parties in the city”, the municipal executive committee announced in December of last year.
How to proceed
But in the meantime, little more has become known about the municipality’s new approach. The subsidy tap was turned off on 1 July. Therefore, the CDA wants to know how the fight against child poverty has been organised since 1 July.
The CDA also points out that the network of volunteers in the city is watching with interest how the city council handles the tasks of the children’s funds. According to the group, this would have a great impact on the trust that volunteers have in the city government. The CDA also states that the new working method must be able to show that the reach of the target group is increased. Also, the money intended for child poverty is not used up and is used in an appropriate way.
Translated by: Anitha Sevugan