Record fair outdoor edition

Cacaofabriek Cacaokade 1, Helmond

In collaboration with Ray Elpee from Eindhoven, De Cacaofabriek is organizing another outdoor edition of the record fair. Food for collectors! There are many CDs and of course also a […]


FeelGood Market

ketelhuisplein Ketelhuisplein 1, eindhoven

Every third Sunday of the month (with occasional exceptions) you can find the FeelGood market in Eindhoven, Strijp S. The FeelGood Market a bustling market held at the square near […]


Walk through Strijp-S

Blok 63-S Philitelaan, Eindhoven

Every 3rd Sunday of the month you can join a guided tour through the creative district of Strijp-S. The walk takes about an hour and a half and starts and […]