Since the outbreak of the pandemic in the Netherlands, many measures have been taken to mitigate the effects of corona crisis on residents and businesses. The national government, the EU and the Eindhoven municipality have all taken some steps. The College of Mayors and councillors want to give the city council and residents, businesses, social institutions and other partners in the city a clear insight into these measures. Therefore, on 1 July, the city council presented the overview, ‘Eindhoven in corona time’.
It concerns measures that various interrelated authorities took. Some are temporary, others last longer or modified over time. That is why the Municipal Executive considers it important to have a complete, clear and up-to-date overview of the measures. It’s an online document and always provides the most up-to-date state of affairs. There are also links to underlying information, such as the website of the central government. Then, there are links to the Entrepreneurs’ Desk, so that interested parties and users can find the information quickly.
Financial overview
The corona measures is going to have an effect on the municipal budget. The extent of this is not clear yet. There’s a regular update on the financial effect via a link (on p.66). New information will be added after 7 July after the first Turap (interim report) has been published. This means that an up-to-date financial overview is always available.

In addition to the overview of measures and financial overview, ‘Eindhoven in corona time’ (on p.70) will soon also refer to the corona dashboard of the Eindhoven municipality. This is a public online database that shows the social, economic, security consequences of the corona outbreak for the city. With this information, everyone can follow what’s happening in the city. The city council uses this dashboard to update or change policy. The dashboard consists of data from Statistics Netherlands, the UWV and the municipality itself and other public sources. It also contains so-called ‘soft data’: data that show the perception of the crisis among our population, based on polls with the municipal digipanel.
Initiatives in the city
The corona crisis has also brought out many great initiatives. Solidarity and creativity go hand in hand. “Eindhoven in corona time” puts the spotlight on some of these initiatives too. It also highlights the helping hands offering help, looking for creative solutions and seeing opportunities to restart life. There are literally too many to mention, but they all show the DNA of our city: cooperation, inventiveness and resilience.
Source: persbericht
Translation: Chaitali Sengupta, who gives ONLINE Inburgering classes.