100 sports cards for MBO students

Students make full use of the new sports centre: 'You can do whatever you want here'
Photo credit: Bart van Overbeeke/TU/e/Studio040

Zoë Rijnders (22) is the first MBO student in Eindhoven to receive a student sports card. In total, the municipality of Eindhoven is making a hundred sports cards available to MBO students.

With the card, they can use the sports facilities in and around the new student sports centre at the TU/e. Zoë received the card from alderperson Robert Strijk (Vocational Education). “MBO students deserve the same opportunities as other students. I think it is great to take another step in the direction with this card where MBO students can fully participate in Eindhoven student life,” says the alderman.


The Summa student is happy that the relationship between MBO and HBO students is starting to change: “I think it is recognition for us as MBO students. We are now seen as students rather than pupils. With this card I can do sports together with my friends from other programmes.”

MBO Action Plan

The initiative, in which MBO students – just like HBO students and university students – pay 120 euros annually for their membership, is part of the broader MBO action plan. This plan should ensure more appreciation and recognition for MBO students in the city. The joint introduction week is also part of this plan.

By making a sports card available, the municipality hopes that MBO students will feel more involved in Eindhoven’s student life. The cards are divided equally among the three MBO institutions in Eindhoven: De Rooi Pannen, SintLucas and Summa College.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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