Talking about peace on a picnic

Talking about peace during a picnic: 'Making the world peaceful'
Photo credit: Peace in the Park/Studio040

Under the name ‘Peace in the Park’ various Eindhoven groups in the field of peace, environment, and diversity are holding a festival on Sunday. The party is in the ‘Anne Frank Plantsoen’ next to Dommel river in Eindhoven.

The event starts in the morning with a joint peace picnic. Visitors bring their own blanket and get food from the various stalls. This way they can talk to other visitors about peace during the picnic.

There are various activities, from singing and dancing to inspiring workshops. Iris Pennings will bring listening songs, while Daniel Fanego and the ‘Freedom Storm Riders’ will provide South American music. There are creative activities for children and visitors can participate in sessions about meditation and non-violent communication.


The festival wants to introduce visitors to the various Eindhoven groups that are committed to a more peaceful and sustainable Eindhoven. In a time of war and uncertainty, the initiators want to emphasise this. “Our starting point is to introduce visitors to the various Eindhoven groups that are active in making Eindhoven and the world more peaceful”, an organiser says.

For more information: Peace in the Park Festival Eindhoven 2024

Source: Studio040

Translation: Bob


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