Protest against distribution centre gets louder

Protest in Geldrop against distribution centres increasingly louder: 'We are not being heard, that is frustrating'
Photo credit: Studio040

Traffic jams, unsafe traffic situations and the emission of harmful exhaust fumes. Residents in Geldrop are very concerned about the consequences of the possible arrival of three large distribution centres, just across the border in Nuenen. It would mean that many trucks would soon be thundering through Geldrop. There were new protests on Thursday.

Dozens of residents are standing on Mierloseweg on Thursday morning, where a lot more freight traffic may soon pass by. With banners and signs, they make it clear that they are strongly opposed to the plans for the logistics centres on Eeneind in Nuenen. The trucks would then drive via the centre of Geldrop towards A67.

“We have calculated that up to 2,000 trucks per day will soon drive through Geldrop. We have been campaigning for years to prevent this. It simply cannot happen”, John Meijs, one of the driving forces behind the Burgercomité Distributiecentrum Nee (citizens committee distributition centre no), says. Another activist shares this opinion. “It is not good for the quality of life in Geldrop. It creates unsafe situations, noise and unhealthy air”.

Air quality measurements

The residents of the citizens’ committee have asked TU/e ​​scientist Jan Diepens to take measurements to assess the consequences of all that traffic for the air quality in the heart of Geldrop. The results should further support the residents’ protest. Initial measurements show that air pollution already fails to meet the guidelines of World Health Organisation. Diepens: “Many studies have been done on the consequences of air pollution. In the Netherlands, this also leads to health problems, for example when people live along busy roads. The air here is already bad. If thousands of trucks are driving by soon, you can’t just ignore that pollution. The government has an obligation to protect citizens against this”.


The residents are not alone. Various organisations, entrepreneurs and the Municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo are also against the plans. The Municipality of Nuenen has already received 800 objections. “We are worried. It is already busy here, and it is still the summer holidays. If the distribution centre is opened, the situation will become untenable. It is bad for the flow of traffic. It creates traffic jams, noise and particle pollution”, Geldrop Alderperson Frans Stravers explains.


It could take years before the logistics centres are actually built. For the time being, the Municipality of Nuenen is busy dealing with the many objections. Nuenen itself is not exactly thrilled about the arrival of the distribution centres, but the municipality is stuck with all sorts of agreements with the developer. Until then, the residents will continue to campaign. “We have not been heard so far and that is frustrating. But we will persist, all the way to the highest court”, according to one of the activists.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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