ASML employees donate robotic arm

Picture courtesy: Eindhoven library for Studio040

The Eindhoven Library has been focusing on teaching programs to improve digital skills. The robot contributes to this program and, can be used by children to learn programming.

The MakersPlaats within the library already had computer programs that young people could use to program. However, machines that could be programmed to perform certain tasks were still missing.

Joost Leeuwesteijn, who is a volunteer at the Makersplaats and also works at ASML, came up with a fundraising campaign for the robot arm among his colleagues. The required amount of money, over a thousand euros, was quickly collected. ASML decided to double the amount.

Leeuwesteijn says he already has several ideas for other workshops with the robot arm. “For example, the arm can be used in a parent-child workshop, during an Artificial Intelligence workshop or programming afternoon. This way, a larger group of children can use the robot arm. It’s great that children can now experiment with this”, says Leeuwesteijn.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha


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