Lots of changes in local bus routes

eindhoven bus
There will soon be many changes to Eindhoven's bus network. Photo credit: Studio040

Do you often travel by bus? Please note, as of this Sunday, 15 December, there are changes to many of the lines.

Twenty-six lines are affected. Some have stops that are no longer in use. Others’ times or frequencies have changed. Several of the lines’ endpoints have been altered. For the full list of lines affected and how they will change, please see OV Eindhoven’s Facebook page. They also have a map of the changes.

Changes have also been made to encourage the use of the Bravoflex service. In Eindhoven, Veldhoven, and Aalst-Waalre, more than 40 new halts have been added for this service since October 2019. In Veldhoven, Hermes is offering an additional Bravoflex.

Two options

Bus passengers in this area can do one of two things. They can either travel from any Bravoflex stop in Veldhoven to their destination. This trip will be charged at Bravoflex rates.

Or they can travel with Bravoflex to a transfer stop – Veldhoven, Heemweg/Centrum or the Maxima Medical Centre stop. Here, passengers can continue to their destination by regular bus. They then pay the regular public transport fare, including the Bravoflex trip.

You can get more information about this on the Bravoflex website. There is also more information regarding the changes to the regular bus lines on the Hermes website.

Source: OV Eindhoven

Translator: Melinda Walraven

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