Anger over Eindhoven Airport ‘misleading green advertising’

New flights operations with Aegean Airlines
Photo Credit: Studio040

Eindhoven Airport must immediately stop ‘misleading advertisements’. A majority of the city council thinks so. Six factions believe that the airport is unfairly giving itself a sustainable image. According to the airport, there is ‘no question of greenwashing’.

PvdA, GroenLinks, D66, Party for the Animals, SP and Volt find an advertising campaign by Eindhoven Airport misleading. They talk about ‘greenwashing’: the airport pretends to be much more sustainable than it actually is. According to the parties, the advertisements make it seem as if flying is environmentally friendly, “while the airport is of course the source of very high CO2 emissions,” the six parties wrote to the mayor and aldermen.

Stop immediately

The parties, which together account for a majority in the municipal council, want the advertising campaign to stop immediately. The factions therefore call on the city council to convey that message to the management of Eindhoven Airport. The council members emphasise that the municipality may also have an opinion about this, as the city is an important shareholder in the airport.


Eindhoven Airport rejects the criticism. The airport tells Studio040 that there is no greenwashing. “We say what we do and we do what we say,” is the response of a spokesperson. “We believe it is important to reduce the impact of aviation on the environment. We do not intend to stop explaining our current and future steps we are taking in this regard.”


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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